The recent actions of members of the Democratic Party in the House, Senate, and White House show that, despite their rhetoric, they prioritize the wishes of the wealthy and the continuation of the status quo over the needs of workers and changing American society for the better.
We, the Pirate Party of Pennsylvania, hereby condemn in the strongest possible teams the strike breaking actions of President Biden and the Democratic Party. We encourage the Rail Workers United to strike, whether the Powers That Be deem it legal or not. We encourage others to support strikers through mutual aid, direct action, and wildcat strikes, whether the Powers That Be deem that legal or not.
We encourage people to organize. We encourage them to join a union (perhaps one big one.) We encourage people to discover the power and strength found in mutual aid and solidarity.
And after all that, if you wish to pursue an electoral strategy to supplement your organizing, we encourage you to vote for the party that supports your right to strike, to agitate, to organize. We encourage you to vote Pirate.
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