
Save the children, Close the schools!

Want to end school shootings? Close the schools.

I am writing this piece on a sad day, 14+ children and adults were killed by a vicious disturbed teenager in a Texas elementary school. It is due to this tragedy and the immediate screams for gun bans and stricter gun control I write this response.

If you want to end school shootings, close the schools.

Sounds radical right? I mean we can’t close the schools, our kids need education. I don’t mean stop educating children K-12, what I am suggesting is that we close down massive class size traditional schools in order to take away this seeming target of choice for these deranged killers.

Brick and mortar schools have been failing students for years. And it’s major flaw is that it is not very adaptable to each and every student’s needs. Some students are self study and excel, others learn during class, but fall behind when required to read or research on their own. Some kids need their hands held throughout the process and one on one tutoring/teaching is required. Brick and mortar traditional schools fail most of these student by treating an entire class the same. The same work, the same lessons, the same instruction. And schools do little to respond to student needs until it may be too late.

On the other hand, we learned during the past two and a half years that cyber schooling IS a viable alternative to traditional brick and mortar schools. Covid has taught us many things, but the biggest bonus to society that I see is the acceptance of cyber programs and the widening of choice for parents and students.

Cyber schooling has other benefits besides just keeping kids out of the dangers potential attacks on the school. Many children ride school busses which they will no longer ride if they go cyber, and we all know the road is a dangerous place. Lets not forget the maintenance and upkeep of large school buildings. Once those buildings are no longer populated with large classrooms filled with students, those old dinosaur buildings will no longer be needed. This can be a tremendous money saver and even can produce a one time windfall to the school district if they sell these obsolete properties.

Now wait. You will say, “some kids still need in person instruction and my family does not have the capability to teach our kids”. To that I say, we can still have small classrooms preferably 5-7 but absolutely no more than 10 students at a time. And we can always make “office hours” available to schedule a one on one tutoring or help session with a teacher if the needs are only occasional.

The bottom line truth is this, it really isn’t possible to regulate guns in a manner in which will prevent future attacks on schools. We have well over one gun per person in the hands of nearly one hundred million gun owners, and they’re just not going away. BUT we can remove our kids from the danger zone by pulling them out of traditional school and either go Cyber or home school.